
For we cannot reiterate this enough, that each and every single one of you is a powerful being! Indeed it is so and so it is! And thus, without the full and proper understanding and comprehension that it is so, it is not possible for you to change the world and create that which you deem to see, for you must understand and fully incorporate the understanding that all of you are powerful, limitless, beings, who have come form heavens above in order to institute a new directional flow of energies, a new thinking patterns to all who dwell on GAIA. In order to assist these beautiful souls to flourish into the new understanding of unconditional love. In order to assist them to break out from the veil of forgetfulness, from the falsehood of the history of mankind as a whole and their own individual structural remembrance of their own beings. In order to usher in the new age of eternal OM.


Thanks Mr Kennedy

“Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change.”
-Robert F. Kennedy 1966 Speech, US Democratic Politician

Very soon to happen...

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
This is the time of prophecy in which Heaven reigns supreme! The Light comes, and a new way is born. Divine grace has formed us and bestowed the divine path to our Souls. Be in wonder at what the edicts of AEON bring!

Dratzo! We come again to speak with you! A great celestial event is shortly to occur in your heavens. This event is the last one in a series of phenomena which signals the end of a sacred agreement made between the Light and the Anunnaki long ago. It is part of a divine plan to prepare your ancestors as well as you for a return to full consciousness. Pursuant to this, we are providing the dark ones on your world with documents which state that the time has come when we can officially intervene in your reality on your behalf. This intercession is simply to assist your sacred secret societies and their allies to complete a legal takeover of a number of your major governments. This procedure will lead to the disbursement of a universal abundance that is presently being held in numerous secret locations around your globe. Over the past few months we have relocated these resources to places where they are both safe and available to be used for securing the new financial and monetary system. We are also providing a more general logistical security to enable the new governance to broadcast the facts concerning what is taking place in the countries around your world.
The first series of announcements will cover the diverse new programs which are associated with what has generally been called NESARA. Each of the provisions being implemented will be the subject of much national discussion. They will be aired on radio, television, and the Internet, and it is here that our security expertise will be necessary. It is our responsibility to safeguard the integrity of these channels of communication against all electronic interference or disabling so that the populace can be properly informed about these groundbreaking issues. Our concern is keyed to the fact that many on your world possess a preventative, and even a malicious, attitude toward anything that threatens their narrow control agenda. In the long run these individuals will have the opportunity to change their attitude once they begin to work with their personal mentors. We can see clearly how these attitudes could develop and are therefore ready to take the required technical countermeasures. Our roles in the time immediately ahead are first, to provide clear government communications and then, to explain to you what to expect in the first days after we land.
The mass-landing scenario is really no more than the final stage of your return to full consciousness. You will meet your own personal mentor, who knows you fully as well as a long lost friend. Your innate telepathic abilities will be quickly restored by interacting with us, enabling an effortless and effective dialog between us, unhampered by the misunderstandings and ambiguities of speech. Telepathy enables a depth of openness and understanding which may seem a bit strange at first as it will allow no secrets between us. This means that you will get used to us very quickly and we will tell you all about who we are, what we do, and about our personal clan histories. We will answer any questions you may have and you will quickly see that you can trust us with your deepest concerns. These couple of days may be the most frank and honest experience of your life. Your hostile cultural environment has taught you to protect yourselves with many layers of secrecy, and telepathy returns you to a degree of Oneness in which distrust largely becomes a thing of the past. We will be like open books to you, allowing your fearful, defensive programming to fall away.
We have studied your widely varying cultures for many years, and at first found such variety daunting. But after sharing our many findings amongst ourselves, we came up with the best way to surmount the myriad cultural barriers that lie at the heart of your societies. You have all developed survival systems which allow you to tolerate your various cultures and religions, and our goal is first to help you to set these aside as they become unnecessary. We know this is not easy for you. Since childhood you have honed these survival skills until they are all but habitual. However, these habits are based on separation and our coming is to introduce you again to opening to Oneness.
In addition, your western cultures in particular are very mentally oriented and many of you have learned the hard way to close down your hearts. We, on the other hand, are used to dealing on a heart-to-heart basis with each other and communicating deeply on most matters. We know this may be difficult for you at first, but we are confident that as you feel the Real You beginning to emerge from your cultural 'armor-plating,' you will take to this freedom 'like a duck to water'!
We are your Ascended Masters!
Those who understand the ways of Heaven know that the time has come for a grand exit of the dark and its multitudes of minions. They have run this limited-consciousness realm for nearly 13,000 years, and during this time many Golden Ages and many strange edicts by the dark have marked this span of years. The upcoming moments signal the end of this period. You are rising in frequency, which means that the agency for controlling you is ending. The resulting freedom enables you to receive your spiritual and space families with a feeling of joy, knowing that the long night of sorrows is at an end. Everywhere, small glimpses of this freedom are becoming evident. Your minds now accept the essentiality of freedom, thus enabling a new reality to be born. It is in the midst of this new reality that amazing changes are forming. Governments are to fall and a new prosperity is to come into being.
This is the time of prophecy in which Heaven reigns supreme! The Light comes, and a new way is born. Divine grace has formed us and bestowed the divine path to our Souls. Be in wonder at what the edicts of AEON bring! You are no longer to be denied true knowledge and will learn of the lies and manipulations long used by the dark. These discoveries will bring you the Truths you have long sought. You are to be graciously freed from the clutches of those whose hubris and stupidity will be fully revealed to you. In this light you will merge with new allies who come from within this sacred orb and whom Heaven has sent to you. We are those who have learned through many lifetimes to ascend, and whose knowledge is to guide you along the final stretch of the journey whose sacred goal is to resurrect your full consciousness.

This process of physical and spiritual resurrection has been contemplated with awe for generations. It is indeed a most complex and arduous operation that each of us is capable of. At this point in your history, what is to happen instead is a unique, very special, massive collective ascension that has been mandated by Heaven. To this end, your space and Inner Earth families will use a wondrous, advanced technology in the form of a living bio-machine, designed to transform each of you back into full consciousness. This will take three days. Heaven will attune and monitor these special miracle-devices and carry out the various calibrations that are specific to each individual. In this way, an entire human population can be raised into an Angel-like state that normally would take many lifetimes to attain. Consider well the divine grace that is to enable us all to return to the miraculous state of Oneness with our Mighty Creator! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today we reviewed some details concerning your return to a liberated and prosperous state. We also briefly explored the sacred path which Heaven has sent you on, in which you return gracefully to full consciousness. Much is to happen. Wondrous events await in the wings and miracles set up by the divine grace of Heaven and the highest joys of AEON are coming your way! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
AEON: It is the highest realm of Heaven and the area around the Throne of the Creator.
For more from PAO

What is about to happen......

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 02/19/20139 Ahau, 8 Zac, 9
We return! Your world has moved even closer to its victory over the dark! There are signs everywhere of what is shortly to happen. Your sacred secret societies have compiled the legal instruments to force the major governments of your world to resign. In consonance with this the military and police forces of these nations have come together in secret to assert that each of them is more than ready to use their powerbases to give their respective governments no other choice than to resign when this course of action is called up. This indication will be given when Heaven advises us that the time to do so has arrived. All our liaison personnel stand at the ready to give the long-anticipated command to everyone. Meanwhile, we wait, and look to our heavenly advisors for the signal that it is now the proper time to bring the dark to its knees. This single command will permit the abundance to be delivered, which in turn indicates that the numerous dark governments of your globe are to resign. A batch of legal papers signed weeks ago is ready to be delivered at a moment's notice. Your deliverance is not far away!These dark governments are plotting, even as we speak, to find some loophole or other means to further ward off the inevitable long enough to enable them to conjure up a way out of their current dilemma. We are watching them closely and are disinclined to tolerate further forms of defiance. The nuclear options being tested in northeast Asia are a recent example of the 'other means' we mentioned above. Do not worry: they are being very carefully monitored, and we fully anticipate the nature and intent of this truly insane gambit. Rest assured that it will come to naught. No one will be permitted to use these primitive weapons against another. The cabal is indulging in saber rattling by use of a most crude and barbaric toy which we can squash when we deem it appropriate. We present this as a warning: the dark cabal and its many forms of chicanery and perfidy are not being indulged; we are simply watching and waiting, and when it is right to act, will act decisively. That time is not yet upon us. What is important is to have the green light from Heaven-and then the rest will follow rapidly.Our personnel assigned to these sacred tasks are more than ready to create a new, blessed reality for you. The numerous sacred societies and their allies have fashioned a series of profound changes which will transform your present doom-laden realm. Until then we have asked our associates to honor the world as it is. Do not be pulled into any of this dark nonsense as it is scheduled soon to end. As is obvious, the various dark cabals that run your realm are in panic, but their sundry attempts at mischief currently playing out are about to melt away. We are prepared to scoop them up and deliver them to their appropriate destinations where they are to await their comeuppance. You, on the other hand, are being prepared to become fully conscious Beings of Light. Heaven has set up an agenda for this to happen and we are here to carry out the final stages of this grand and sacred plan. The dark on your planet has not come up against the likes of us before and is daily confronted by technologies and abilities of the Light that easily trump the best that these denizens of the dark have to offer.It truly behooves you to be in joy and gleeful anticipation! Heaven smiles on you, and the Creator has established the means for you to achieve a blessed return to full consciousness. We have been appointed to ensure your deliverance from these still-erring ones; their dire workings are to be stricken from your realm and Heaven will then champion your new Light-filled world and extend to you the means to rejoin your space and, especially, your spiritual families. These 'coming attractions' are sacred events which free you from those who consider you to be less than them, and who intended to turn you into perpetual slaves of their rampant insanities. It was eventually to lead to a massive death toll, designed to decrease your global population to around one-tenth of the present number, and those who survived were to envy the dead. This will not happen. By Heaven's decree you are to move rapidly into a realm of joy, prosperity, and a sacred respect for individual sovereignty. The time has come for all this to manifest upon Earth!Blessings of Health and Joy to all! We are your Ascended Masters! Various elements of our prosperity program are ready to emerge from the silence presently demanded of us by Heaven. The major organizations created since the end of World War II have been legally disbanded. We are now using our blessed energies to prepare our sacred societies to replace the current leaders with our own. This is expected shortly. Heaven has also informed us to alert those who are preparing to immediately replace the current economic system to get ready to act, as the final series of phenomena are now precipitating in the heavens. These events are to invoke the formal termination of the agreement signed nearly 13,000 years ago. You are on the brink of a most magnificent time in your blessed history. The gracious blessings of Heaven are now to manifest and, in the blink of an eye, thrust you into a new reality redolent with Love and Light!Bear in mind that your new economic system is merely a stopgap. It is designed to prepare you to accept unending prosperity and teach you that the debt economy with its many abrupt reversals and insecurities are a way for the dark to control you. This quicksand realm in effect was a grand illusion, promulgated by solemn pledges on the part of government to lower national debt and bring you temporary prosperity. In truth, global prosperity has always been possible from the beginning and it is an illusion to believe otherwise. The amount of gold available was kept hidden for manipulative purposes, and the same is true of diamonds and so-called precious metals and stones. The availability of these commodities was limited to create a contrived definition of wealth and enforce the concepts of scarcity, poverty, and debt. You possess the ability to bring forth a cornucopia of wealth and to enjoy a luxurious life. The key is to learn to Love and care for each other!In this wonderful world that is preparing to appear, you will become able to care deeply for each other and for Mother Earth. Inside your home world lies Agartha which is a 5-D realm. Heaven is now to allow Mother Earth to extend this realm out to her surface world. This means that each of you requires a transformation into a fully conscious, 5-D state of being. This transformation is underway, and the blessed changes being wrought in you are the true means to convert you into this divine and immortal Being. Much will be required of you. You will take on a raft of new duties, and in this we are prepared to teach you much that is key to understanding who you are to become. We invite you to accept this proposition and to discard gleefully all the bunkum that the dark has fed you through the ages. Use your innate wisdom to validate the truths that Heaven is to show you, and come to understand just what amazing children of the Divine you are destined to become!Today we brought you more information about what is happening on your world. Our space and spiritual families are here to complete the divine task of transforming your reality back into a condition that is sacred and blessed by Heaven. The moment is upon you for a most well deserved blessing! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)Planetary Activation Organizationhttp://www.paoweb.com/index.html



I am one of the members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator

I am one of the members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator







! Latest News...! 1st May 2012....

Dearest members of Earth,

We the members of the Galactic Federation speak with you today to tell you that our landings have begun. We come first to our awakened ones within their dreams and meditations. We speak to all of you to prepare you so that you can prepare others. You have been hearing many messages from your Internet about the great changes that are about to commence regarding the removal of those who have created harm and chaos due to their selfish ways. These words are true. This is why we have come to you today, yes, we have come into dreams and meditations of grounded/ascending ones to validate that "yes, we are coming."


Arrest warrants have now been issued against the international branches of the Federal Reserve -- the European Central Banks, BIS, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Japan.



The New York Federal Reserve, for all practical purposes, is the lynch-pin by which the Bank of England, together with its partners -- the Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris; Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy; Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; Kuhn, Loeb Bank of New York; Chase Manhattan; and Goldman, Sachs of New York -- provides an international mechanism by which the international bankers execute their plans of Global Domination, part of which is through the European Central Bank.


"You are a divine being of light and your true nature will soon be all you know".

we are becoming...

The changes that are coming in 2012, 2013, 2014 and beyond are currently not within the understanding of the human mind. It will take as much as 20-30 years before humans can fully comprehend the changes that are about to take place, and they will be magnificent.


Perhaps one of the biggest victories awaiting humanity is the shift from polarity or duality consciousness and the dichotomous right vs. wrong which has resulted in much of the conflict and suffering that exists between men and women, people of various races, the wealthy and poor, the strong and weak.


Hierarchies have also been formed creating further degrees of separation, (good, better, best) where particular persons or events were rigorously judged within this context. This will end.


All of humanity will begin to understand that all experiences and perceptions are neutral in nature and it is only the ego which places an emphasis on good vs. bad, or right vs. wrong. This shift will be part of the grand awakening which is currently well on its way.

february 22 2012

february 22 2012
world financial bankrupt finally happened!!!

world bankrupt..!!!

world bankrupt..!!!
world bankrupt!!!!!


When you have invited us to land, we shall be able to intimately share your experience. And, yes, we are waiting for a critical mass of Gaia's light quotient to "invite us to land." As you know, there are millions who would be terrified by our landing. Therefore, we depend on our Wayshowers to unconditionally love and educate those who maintain that fear. You may think that that is an impossible task, but as you and Gaia steadily (and quite quickly now) raises Her resonance, many of the frightened ones will log-out of your reality. They will then login to another reality.


"The information that will soon be released can actually short-circuit the linear, human brain to create myriad erratic emotions and behaviors. Hence, it is vital that the awakened ones fully integrate and adapt to their Multidimensional Operating System. Then, they can better assist others to understand. Those that are new to the information that will soon be released will more likely accept explanations from members of their own society and from those with whom they are already familiar. Thus, it is important that we "push" our Wayshowers a bit, as "time" is running out. We all want the transformation from the reality of physical Earth into New Earth to be as harmonious and peaceful.



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hey brother...how is it going

hey brother...how is it going






"Nosotros, el Personal Terrestre de la Confederacion Galàctica, queremos hacer nuestra permanencia visible e invisible en esta ciudad, por consiguiente, los Pensamientos unidos al Deseo Autentico del Buscador, nos llevarà a nosotros hacia èl y èl hacia nosotros"






....there will appear shortly, upon the face of the Earth, a race of priests and rulers---the souls of ancient and beloved Shamans and Druids, come back to experience the final "act" of this play......


FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2008
YHWH, the God that eats meat…….like crazy!!!

During the forty years that Surraelists lived in the Sinaload desert eating Ma-Na which means MAS-NÁ (THAT´S IT!....... NO MORE! In Spanish): cheap popcorn thrown from above. Some translate the word Ma-Na as: What the hell is this? .... (For God’s Sake.. "WHAT FOOD IS THIS?? In surreaelist language…..

The gods roamed the world in their UTLFFOS (Unidentified Thunderous Lightening Frightening Flying Objects... to those who don’t know)- in Irdin language.

There was a particular God, lover of cows, calves, goats and pigeons which founded the taste of the meat very delightful. His name was YHWH (pronounce it ..if you can!) YHWH or LLAVE (KEY… IN SPANISH), Llaveria, Partner, Parcero, Mate etc, who had many names and aliases, devised a tavern (read Tabernacle) where they practiced all sorts of pleasures, eating the finest BBQ and roasted meat seasoned with the best desert spices known at that time.

The chef (read Priest) wore a luxuriously elaborated beaded uniform clothing , decorated with diamonds, rubies, amethysts, opals, pearls, emeralds and other attachments (read Ephod), who was the only one who could prepare the delicious food worthy of the Gods.

The tavern, luxuriously decorated with the finest materials of the day: gold, silver, bronze, gemstones, fine fabrics and woods, was the meeting place of the Gods. There, they ate plenty of meat, drinking wine like crazy and performing the most divine orgies and bacchanalian parties known to date. Attending elite characters such as Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon (King of Atlantis), Uranus, Neptune, etc. with their Goddesses: Gaia - the fatty -, the voluptuous Venus, Mars - the redhead - and Pluta - also called Diana - the most beautiful and naughty. YHWH and Bacchus, partying buddies, were the hosts.

Surraelists people did not have access to parties and feasts, they were only allowed to eat MAS-NÀ 24-hours a day, while the Gods ate meat, danced and got drunk at the back of the ignorant Surrealist people.
Nor were the people allowed to get closer to the BBQ Entrance (read Altar). It was protected by a device called The Ark, a high voltage arc apparatus used to exterminate anyone who dared to dupe pass without invitation ... ... Zapped! ... ... electrocuted!

Meat, wine, music and women were the Manu or daily menu. The Gods and Goddesses only rested on the seventh day (read Sabbath) that was the holiest day for a hangover (the after party Sunday feast).

The Atrium at the tavern was the UTLFFOS Parking Lot. The Patio (read The Holy of Holies) was an earthly paradise with swimming pool, coconut trees and beaches, where Gods, Goddesses and demigods wore their divine bodies without much clothing and accessories (read without any Taboo).

After 40 years my partner YHWH and the other Gods returned to our heavenly abodes leaving the Surraelists without a single cow and with many meaty Karmic debts, after enjoying the biggest party on EARTH.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Any resemblance to prehistoric or mythological events, it's just a coincidence. COPYRIGHT.

GIACOMO FIBONACCIfibonacci666@gmail.com







Friday, June 27, 2008

YHWH, el Dios comelón de carne.


Durante los cuarenta años que vivieron los Surraelitas en el desierto comiendo Ma-Na que quiere decir Mas-Ná (o sea, NO HAY MAS!) baratas crispetas de maiz lanzadas desde lo alto. Algunos traducen la palabra Ma-Na como : ! que es esto....por Dios !- en idioma surraelita- " QUE COMIDA ES ESTO??.
Los Dioses recorrian el mundo en sus Vimanas (Objetos Voladores No Identificables Para Aquellos Que No Saben) -en idioma Irdin.

Hubo un Dios en particular, enamorado de vacas, becerros, cabras y palomas, que encontró el sabor de la carne muy apetecible. Se llamaba YHWH (pronúncielo si puede!)

YHWH ó LLAVÉ, LLaveria, Partner, Parcero,compañero, mate etc, quien tenía muchos nombres y aliases, ideó una taberna (léase Tabernáculo) en donde se practicaba todo tipo de placeres cárnicos y se asaba la carne más exquisita del desierto preparada con las mejores especias conocidas en ese tiempo.

El chef (léase Sacerdote) vestía lujosamente un uniforme de ropa elaborada en pedrería y otros aditamentos (lease Efod), y era el único que podía preparar los deliciosos alimentos dignos de los Dioses.

La taberna, lujosamente decorada con los materiales mas finos de la epoca: oro, plata, bronce, piedras preciosas, finas telas y maderas, era el lugar de reunion de los Dioses. Allí se comía carne en abundancia, se bebía vino como locos y se armaban los bacanales y orgías más divinas que se conozcan hasta la fecha. Asistían personajes de la élite, como Zeus, Apolo, Poseidon-Rey de la Atlantida-, Urano , Neptuno, etc, con sus respectivas Diosas : Gea - la gorda -, Venus- la voluptuosa -, Marte – la pelirroja -, y Pluta – tambien llamada DIANA – la mas hermosa y picarona. Yhwh y Baco, amigotes de farra, eran los anfitriones.

El pueblo no tenía acceso a las fiestas y comilonas, solo se les permitía comer Mas-Ná las 24 horas del dia, mientras los Dioses comían carne, bailaban, y se embriagaban a espaldas del pueblo ignorante.

Tampoco era permitido al pueblo acercarse al asador ( léase Altar ) ó BBQ Entrance, pues estaba protegido por un aparato de alto voltaje llamado Arca o Arco Voltaico que exterminaba a todo aquel incauto que se atreviese a pasar sin invitación ……Zapped!......electrocutado!.

Carne, vino, música y mujeres era el Manú ó Menú del dia. Solo se descansaba al séptimo dia ( Sabato ) el cual era el dia más sagrado para la resaca (el desenguayabe).

El Atrio de la taberna era el PARKING de las Vimanas. El Patio ( léase Lugar Santísimo ) era el paraiso terrenal con piscina, donde Diosas y Semidiosas lucían sus divinos cuerpos sin tanto perendengue(lease Tabù).

Al cabo de 40 años mi LLaveria y demás Dioses regresamos a nuestras moradas celestiales dejando a los Surraelitas sin una sola rés y con muchas deudas karnicas, después de disfrutar de la fiesta más grande del mundo.

NOTA DEL AUTOR : Cualquier parecido con hechos prehistóricos ó mitológicos, es solo una coincidencia. COPYRIGHT.

Giacomo Fibonacci, B.S chemist, A.A.S in electronics, cosmologist, mathematician, english-italian interpreter, Shaumbra member, new age teacher, yo-ham artist and scientologist.


TOBIAS: “And so it is, dear friends, we have heard your call. We have heard your prayers, we have felt your pain, and we know your confusion. That is why we bring this message to you. It has found its way to you on the wind. It’s found its way to you through your processes – you might call the Internet – through a friend who has given this to you, or perhaps strictly what appears to be at random, but we have heard your call and your prayer. We have come to answer.

I am Tobias of the Crimson Council, an angelic order that’s here to work with teachers of consciousness both on Earth and in the other realms. I join together today with the angelic beings who come from a place of love and compassion to support you and to love you.We also bring together this message from a group of human angels. They are in human form on Earth right now, but they are indeed angels. They have been exploring consciousness and Spirit and God for eons of time. They are physically embodied on Earth right now. They could be your next door neighbors, your family members or friends, perhaps people you don’t even know. But they are on Earth right now serving as a new type of teacher and a guide. They have been exploring the realms of new consciousness and New Energy and the whole concept of ‘I Am,’ which means Spirit, God, integrated with self on Earth right now.

We gather together the energies of the angels, of Spirit and of this group on Earth called Shaumbra, to bring this message to you in answer to your call. You’re going through an awakening process right now and that is why you have received this letter.

The awakening process could be one that’s challenging, it can be deceiving, and it can be beautiful all at the same time.

- You know you’re going through a spiritual awakening process when you begin to question things that you’ve never questioned before, things like authority and structure; when you begin to question why you’re here on Earth, what is the meaning of life, what is it that you should be doing right now.

-You know you’re going through an awakening process when the way you solved problems in the past doesn’t seem to work anymore.

- You know you’re going through this entire awakening process when you know that there’s more out there but you can’t seem to put your finger on it. You know there’s a greater way, but you don’t know what that is.

-You know you’re ready to go into a whole new level of living and understanding, but you don’t know how to get there.

-You know you’re going through an awakening process when you feel yourself withdrawing into you, when you feel yourself starting to not want so much external activity, when you don’t need the stimulation or the drama that you’ve had in the past.

-You know that you’re going into the awakening process when, in your quiet moments, perhaps late at night, you call out to God not knowing if there even is a God, at least in the old way. You call out for the higher being or the higher power somewhere out there. And you give a message totally from your heart, from the truest part of your being – “Dear Spirit, dear God, I’m ready.” From the truth of your being when you say, “Dear Spirit, dear Eternal One, I am willing to do anything but I don’t know what it is I should do.”

-You know you’re going through an awakening process where all of the old beliefs don’t seem to be so true anymore, and the things that you held so near and dear to you now seem like memories of the past, the ways of the past.

-You know you’re going through an awakening process when the things that used to be the dreams and the goals, the desires of the human self no longer truly matter, but you don’t know what matters anymore.

If you’re listening to this or reading this or have been touched by it in some way, we’re here to tell you that you are not alone. There are angelic beings on our side who are with you right now – not some time in the future, not some time in the past that you don’t remember so well – but right now. And with a simple breath, your simple breath, it opens the doorway for us to be close to you, to love you, to remind you of your angelic origins, to let you know that we have the greatest compassion and love for you. You are not alone.

With the simple breath in this very moment, it also allows in the love and the compassion of tens and thousands and thousands of humans on Earth right now who have gone through or are currently going through a very similar process – the awakening of Spirit. They know what it’s like to lose those things that were near and dear to you. They know what it’s like for their belief systems to be challenged at every level. They know what it’s like for the things that came from the material world that were important at one time that start dissolving away. They know what it’s like to lose a relationship, or at least the illusion of losing it, so that they, and now you, can begin to have the relationship with yourself. With the simple breath you can open up and allow yourself to not be alone anymore.

-We know it’s been difficult and challenging, and we know so much of what you’ve gone through is very emotional and at times can be very dramatic.

-We know you’ve been trying to figure it out in your mind. You’ve been using systems and structures and methods, and you still haven’t found the answers. You’ve tried to analyze it, and it’s something that can’t be analyzed. It can only be felt and experienced. You’ve gone, many of you, and got counseling – professional or just with friends – and you know in your heart that the methods and the words that they tell you are not truly fulfilling that deep inner yearning to know yourself and to know the Spirit in yourself.

-We know that there are times when you just want to disappear. You just want to fade away. It’s not even about dying, it’s just about going out of existence.

The challenges, the transformation, the changes can be overwhelming to the human, to the mind, to that aspect of you that has a type of blinder on, that doesn’t see who you really are. It can be overwhelming and cause such duress that you choose just to go out of existence. But the angels that are with you right now and the human angels that are standing along side of you understand your journey.

They have some messages for you today, first and foremost, that you are not alone. Secondly, that the process you’re going through is actually quite natural. It may appear to be confusing and you may feel that you are lost, but what you are doing is very natural. You are allowing the old human façade and the illusion of who you thought you were to fade away. And as it fades away, what you begin to know in the deepest, most loving level, is yourself as God also; yourself as Spirit; yourself as divine, no longer limited by the old human identity but now understanding that you are eternal, that you are grand and that you can choose your own reality, even how you live on Earth right now.

Those of us who gather around you share with you that all of the answers are within. They’re not to be found with some gurus. They’re not to be found with some angelic being, but the answers are within you. Living in this state of duality as you have been doing, living with the concept of light and dark, good and bad, masculine and feminine, you’ve also bought into a belief system that says the answers are somewhere else. But indeed they are within you. They come from the most true and the most precious place within, and they can be discovered in the quiet moment, in the moment of breath, in the moment of acceptance of yourself.

We share with you that there is no goal, there is no purpose, there is not some God in a far off heaven that is putting you through some maze or some obstacle course.

But the reality is everything in your life is about your creation, your discovering of beauty, your discovering about the depths of reality. Everything that you are experiencing right now in your life is by your choice. There are no outside powers or beings who are making you do it. There is nobody dictating the destiny of your life. You’ll discover that it all by your choice. Perhaps at some very deep or distant part of yourself that wanted to have the experience of going through life as you have known it up to now, but understand it is you creating it. And when you understand that and when you take ownership for yourself, you will actually begin to understand the beauty of your journey. You’ll understand that you are not lost at all. You were just so deeply immersed in an experience, so filled with the richness even if the richness was painful at times, but it brought new depth and meaning to your soul.

So on this day in this moment, in the awakening to your true self, it is a time to say goodbye to your old human self. You’ve been trying to hang onto it and repair it and resurrect it, and now it is time to say goodbye to that human identity, to the limited beliefs, to the old paths of karma, of the old progression of lifetimes that kept you on the old merry-go-round. It is time to say goodbye to that. Part of you may feel sad about it. It is a death of consciousness, not a death of the physical body, but a death of consciousness. But as you say goodbye to the old self, you also release energies that were stuck or wounded, energies that don’t serve you anymore and haven’t served you for many, many lifetimes.As you say goodbye to your old human self, you discover a new freedom. It is like taking off a costume or a suit of armor that is no longer needed. When you release the old human aspect, when you say goodbye, you are now creating a space within you to allow in the grander self, the divine self, your angelic self, who’s been patiently waiting off in the wings, waiting for you to finish playing this wonderful game or experience, waiting for you to make a choice to invite the true you, the divine you into this reality now. When you say goodbye to your human self, it brings up issues of fear, of death and of losing control. But dear friends, those are all illusions. When you let go of who you thought you were, you now make room to be everything that you truly are.

There is that feeling that you are in right now that if you let go, you will fall into some perpetual dark abyss never to come back, never to be found, perhaps even just roaming throughout the dimensions and the universes lost. But this group of angels that’s with you right now, the group of humans that is with you, have all gone through the experience and they all understand when you let go of who you thought you were, when you trust yourself on the most intimate, on the most beautiful level, you will now discover who you really are.

This is your choice, of course. It is up to you. But you have called out to us, you have prayed to us, you have asked for the answers and that’s why we have showed up today.

In the awakening to your true self, you also say goodbye to the Earth as you have known it. Many call Earth “Gaia,” the land, the water, the skies. Gaia is an actual spirit that has attended to Earth, has been nurturing Earth, all of her elements, all of her animals and all of her forests, ever since the beginning of time on Earth.

In the awakening to yourself and the releasing or the saying goodbye to Gaia, you understand that it is not another spirit’s responsibility to take care of this planet. It is your responsibility to be a part of it. The spirit of Gaia is slowly, slowly leaving so that you, all other humans can take responsibility for the water that you drink, for the land that you walk upon, for the sky that you see with your eyes, for all of the plant life and the animal life. What a blessed and beautiful experience it is to thank Gaia for all she has done, to bid her farewell and to now accept the responsibility of this planet for yourself. In the awakening that you are going through, it is also time to say goodbye to human consciousness as you have known it.

You will never be the same again. Recently, Earth moved into a new era and a new realm. We call it the new consciousness or the New Energy. In this new consciousness all things change. The Earth, human consciousness and humans are evolving right now. The change that you see outside of you could appear to be chaotic. It could appear that things are unraveling, everything falling apart. It could appear that there are shortages of critical goods. It could appear that things are on constant edge. It is time to let that go as well, because humanity is going through an incredible transformation process. They’re going through important changes, and what appears to be a lack of fuel and oil is actually more about new developments in technology, new energy sources. Instead of using old fossil fuel, the discovery of new fuel. What appears to be shortages of food is really about taking a look at how to take care of the biology in a new way, how to feed it in a new way, how to grow crops in a new, efficient and natural way. Changes in governments, changes in politics are all part of the process.

It is easy to go into fear and worry about what’s going to happen to the world right now, but this group of angels and this group of humans, they know it’s just evolution. They know that the change can appear to be chaotic, but the natural law of evolution and expansion are at work right now, and you’re participating in it.

It’s about saying goodbye to the world as you have known it, even in terms of finance, prosperity and wealth. For oh so many years on Earth, the wealth, the power, the money was focused in just a few places and held by just a few people or consolidated in a few countries. And in the new consciousness that imbalance no longer works. So the wealth, even the balance of what you would call power, are redistributed. It doesn’t mean anyone gets any less, it just means those who were behind now catch up.

The world’s not falling apart, the world is evolving. The world is redistributing. The world is becoming more balanced and equitable. In the awakening process things can appear to be dark. Things can even appear to be evil. Things can appear to be very confusing, but we are here to tell you that it is just evolution. The world will go on. The New Energy will come in. The new understandings of science and math, the understandings in technology and education, are all coming about right now.

The awakening process can be lonely, because it is about rediscovering who you are without having others tell you, without having other’s belief systems shape and create your life. We know you’ve been going through a very dark and lonely and sometimes very sad part of your life, feeling so lost and confused, like no one’s listening. But these angelic beings and human beings want to let you know we have heard. We do know who you are. We do know what you have been going through.

And we want you to know that you are never alone. Your process of awakening will continue to unfold and as it does you will see the beauty in it. You will see how you as a divine being have actually planned it for yourself. You will see that the fear goes away. The illusions of duality go away to be replaced by the knowingness of the oneness. We bring you this message today from the angels, from the humans, and from all who are going through the awakening process that you are not alone.

And so it is.”

Publicado por Fibonacci en 10:31 0 comentarios

Una carta para los Humanos......
Carta a los Humanos Que Están despertando.

Y así es queridos amigos, hemos oído su llamado Hemos escuchado sus plegarías, hemos sentido su dolor y conocemos su confusión. Esta es la razón por la que les traemos este mensaje; él ha encontrado su camino hacia ustedes en el viento. Ha encontrado su camino hacia ustedes a través de sus procesos – puede ser a través del Internet – a través de un amigo que se los haga llegar o a lo mejor puede que aparezca como algo estrictamente casual, pero hemos escuchado sus plegarías y venimos a responderlas.

Yo soy Tobías del Círculo Carmesí, orden angélica que está aquí para trabajar con los maestros de la conciencia tanto en la tierra como en otras dimensiones. En el día de hoy me uno a los seres angélicos que vienen de un lugar de amor y compasión para apoyarlos y amarlos.También traemos este mensaje conjuntamente con un grupo de ángeles humanos. Ellos están en forma humana en este momento en la tierra, pero realmente son ángeles. Ellos han explorado por eones de tiempo la conciencia, el Espíritu y Dios. En este momento, ellos están encarnados físicamente en la tierra. Ellos pueden ser sus vecinos de al lado, miembros de su familia, amigos o personas que no conocen, pero ellos están en la tierra en este momento sirviendo como un nuevo de tipo de maestro o de guía. Ellos han explorado los reinos de la nueva conciencia y de la nueva energía y la totalidad del concepto del “YO SOY”, que significa el Espíritu, Dios integrado con el Ser en la tierra.
Juntos hemos reunido la energía de los ángeles, del Espíritu y de este grupo en la tierra llamado Shaumbra para traerles este mensaje y contestar su llamado. Ustedes están atravesando un proceso de despertar espiritual. El proceso de despertar puede ser desafiante, puede ser engañoso y puede ser maravilloso, todo al mismo tiempo.
Ustedes saben que están atravesando por un proceso de despertar espiritual cuando comienzan a cuestionar cosas que nunca antes cuestionaron, cuando comienzan a preguntarse porqué están aquí en la tierra, cuál es el significado de la vida, qué es lo que deberían estar haciendo en este momento.
Ustedes saben que están atravesando por un proceso de despertar cuando la manera como resolvían los problemas en el pasado parece no funcionar más y cuando saben que existe algo más para ser vivido pero no logran percibirlo. Ustedes saben que hay una manera más grande pero no saben cuál es. Ustedes saben que están listos para pasar a un nivel totalmente nuevo de vida y entendimiento, pero no saben cómo llegar allí.
Ustedes están atravesando un proceso de despertar cuando necesitan recogerse dentro de ustedes mismos, cuando sienten que no desean tener mucha actividad externa, cuando no necesitan ni la estimulación ni el drama que necesitaban en el pasado.
Ustedes están pasando por un proceso de despertar cuando en los momentos de quietud, a lo mejor tarde en la noche, llaman a Dios sin saber si realmente hay un Dios, por lo menos de la manera antigua. Cuando llaman al Ser Superior o al Poder Superior que está allá afuera en algún lugar, y envían un mensaje que proviene completamente de su corazón, de la parte más auténtica de su ser: “Querido Espíritu, querido Dios estoy listo”. Desde la verdad de su Ser ustedes dicen: “Querido Espíritu, querido Uno Eterno, estoy listo para hacer lo que sea pero no se qué debería hacer”.
Ustedes saben que están atravesando por un proceso de despertar en el que las viejas creencias parecen no ser ya verdad y las cosas que eran tan queridas y cercanas a ustedes ahora aparecen como recuerdos del pasado, como las formas de actuar del pasado. Ustedes saben que están atravesando por un proceso de despertar cuando las cosas que eran sus sueños y sus metas, los deseos del ser humano, ya no importan, pero tampoco saben qué importa ahora.
Si está escuchando o leyendo este mensaje o ha sido tocado por él de alguna manera, queremos decirle que estamos aquí y que no está solo. Hay seres angélicos que están con usted en este momento – no en el futuro ni en un pasado que no recuerda muy bien - sino aquí, ahora. Con sólo una respiración la puerta se abre para que podamos estar cerca, amarle, recordarle sus orígenes angélicos, para que sepa que le tenemos la más grande compasión y amor. Usted no está solo.
Una simple respiración en este momento permite el amor y la compasión de muchos humanos que están en este momento en la tierra y que han pasado o están pasando por un proceso muy similar: el despertar del Espíritu. Ellos saben lo que es perder las cosas más queridas y cercanas. Ellos saben lo que es para sus sistemas de creencias el ser cuestionado a todos los niveles. Ellos saben lo que es que las cosas (materiales) del mundo material que fueron importantes alguna vez, comiencen a disolverse. Ellos saben lo que es perder una relación, o al menos la ilusión deperderla, para que ellos y ahora ustedes puedan comenzar a tener una relación consigo mismos. Con una simple respiración pueden abrirse y permitirse no estar más solos. Sabemos que es un reto y es difícil y sabemos que mucho de lo que han vivido es bastante emocional y a veces dramático. Sabemos que han tratado de comprender desde su mente. Han utilizado sistemas, estructuras y métodos y todavía no encuentran las respuestas. Han tratado de analizar y se dan cuenta que es algo que no puede ser analizado, que sólo puede ser sentido y experimentado.
A lo mejor han buscado consejo – de un profesional o simplemente de un amigo – y saben en su corazón que las palabras que ellos les dicen no llenan verdaderamente el profundo anhelo deconocerse a sí mismos y de encontrar el Espíritu en ustedes.
Sabemos que hay épocas en las que simplemente desean desaparecer. Simplemente quieren desvanecerse. Ni siquiera se trata de morir, sino simplemente de dejar de existir. Los retos, los cambios, las transformaciones pueden llegar a ser aplastantes y causar tanta presión que ustedes eligen dejar de existir.
Los ángeles que están con ustedes en este momento comprenden el camino que están recorriendo. Ellos tienen hoy un mensaje para ustedes: Ustedes no están solos. Ellos quieren que sepan que el proceso por el que están pasando es realmente bastante natural. Puede aparecer como confuso y sentirse perdidos, pero lo que están haciendo es muy natural. Ustedes están permitiendo que la vieja fachada y la ilusión de lo que pensaban que eran se disuelvan. En la medida en que se desvanecen comienzan a darse cuenta, en los niveles más profundos y más amorosos, que ustedes también son Dios, son Espíritu, son divinos, que ya no están limitados por la vieja identidad humana y ahora entienden que son eternos, que son magníficos, que pueden elegir su propia realidad e inclusive cómo vivir en la tierra en este momento.
Aquellos de nosotros que nos reunimos a su alrededor queremos compartirle que todas las respuestas están dentro de usted. No las encontrará con ningún gurú, no las encontrará con ningún ser angélico. Las respuestas están dentro de usted.
Al vivir en un estado de dualidad como lo ha hecho, al vivir con el concepto de luz y oscuridad, bueno y malo, masculino y femenino, también han aceptado la creencia de que las respuestas deben estar en alguna otra parte. Pero realmente ellas están en su interior. Ellas vienen del lugar más verdadero y precioso de su interior y pueden ser descubiertas en momentos de quietud, en los momentos en que respira, en los momentos en que se acepta. Queremos compartirle que no hay metas, no hay propósitos, que no hay un Dios en un cielo distante que lo coloca en un laberinto o en una carrera de obstáculos. La realidad es que todo en su vida está relacionado con lo que usted crea, con el descubrimiento de la belleza, con el descubrimiento de las profundidades de la realidad. Todo lo que está experimentando actualmente en su vida ha sido su elección. No hay ningún poder o seres externos que estén dirigiendo su vida.
Nadie está dictando el destino de su vida. Descubrirá que todo ha sido elección suya. Cuando tome responsabilidad de sí mismo comenzará a entender la belleza de su viaje. Entenderá que no está perdido, que simplemente estaba profundamente inmerso en una experiencia llena con la riqueza de la vida, aunque a veces la experiencia haya sido dolorosa, que su vida hasta el momento presente ha traído una nueva profundidad y significado a su alma.
En ese momento, en el despertar de su ser verdadero, es tiempo de decirle adiós a su viejo ser humano. Ha tratado de aferrarse a él, de repararlo, de resucitarlo y ahora es tiempo de decir adiós a la identidad humana, a las creencias limitadas, a los viejos caminos del karma, a la vieja progresión de vidas pasadas que le han mantenido en el viejo carrusel. Es tiempo de decir adiós a todo ello.
Una parte de ustedes puede sentirse triste al dejar partir todo esto. Es la muerte de la vieja conciencia, no la muerte del cuerpo físico, pero una muerte de la conciencia. Pero en la medida que dicen adiós al viejo ser, están también liberando energías que estaban estancadas o heridas, energías que no les sirven más y que no les han servido en muchas, muchas vidas pasadas. En la medida que le dicen adiós a su viejo ser, descubren una nueva libertad. Es como quitarse un vestido o una armadura que no se necesita más. Cuando liberan el viejo aspecto humano,cuando le dicen adiós, están creando dentro de ustedes un espacio para su ser magnífico, su ser divino y su ser angélico. Su divinidad ha estado esperando pacientemente, esperándole para terminar de jugar este maravilloso juego, esperando para que haga la elección de invitar su yo divino a su vida.
Decirle adiós a su ser humano hace surgir el miedo a la muerte y a perder el control. Pero todo esto son ilusiones. Cuando usted deja partir todo lo que pensaba que era, hace espacio para ser todo lo que verdaderamente es. Puede llegar a sentir que si deja partir todo esto caerá en un oscuro abismo y nunca volverá a salir, nadie lo encontrará y se quedará vagando a través de las dimensiones, perdido en el universo. Pero el grupo de ángeles que está ahora con usted, el grupo de humanos que está con usted, todos han atravesado por esta experiencia y entienden que cuando deje partir lo que pensaba que era, cuando confíe en usted al nivel más íntimo y bello, descubrirá quién es realmente.
Por supuesto es su elección, pero ustedes nos llamaron, han orado, han pedido respuestas y espor eso que estamos aquí.
En el proceso de despertar de su verdadero ser, también le dicen adiós a la tierra que han conocido. Muchos llaman a la tierra “Gaia”, el territorio, el agua, los cielos. Gaia es un espíritu que ha servido a la tierra, la ha nutrido, a todos sus elementos, a todos sus animales, a todos sus bosques, desde el comienzo de los tiempos en la Tierra. En el proceso de despertar a sí mismos y de decirle adiós a Gaia, entenderán que ningún espíritu es responsable del cuidado de este planeta. Es su responsabilidad ser parte de ello. El espíritu de Gaia está partiendo lentamente de tal manera que usted y todos los demás humanos puedan volverse responsables del agua que beben, de la tierra que pisan, del cielo que está sobre ustedes, de toda la vida vegetal y animal. Qué bendita y maravillosa experiencia agradecer a Gaia por todo lo que ella ha hecho, brindarle un adiós y aceptar ahora la responsabilidad por este planeta.
En el proceso del despertar que están atravesando es también tiempo de decirle adiós a la conciencia humana tal como la hemos conocido. Nunca volverán a ser los mismos. Recientemente la Tierra se desplazó a una nueva era y un nuevo reino, al que llamamos nueva conciencia o Nueva Energía. En la nueva conciencia todo cambia. La Tierra, la conciencia humana y los humanos están evolucionando en este momento. Los cambios que se suceden en el exterior parecen caóticos. Las cosas pueden parecer enmarañadas y haciéndose pedazos. Puede parecer que hay escasez de alimentos básicos, puede parecer que todo está fuera de equilibrio.
Es tiempo también de dejar partir todo ello porque la humanidad está atravesando un proceso de transformación increíble. La humanidad está atravesando por cambios importantes y lo que parece escasez de combustibles y de aceites está más bien relacionado con nuevos desarrollos de la tecnología y de nuevas fuentes de energía. En lugar de seguir utilizando el viejo combustible fósil, se trata de descubrir un nuevo combustible. Lo que parece ser escasez de comida es más bien una mirada a la biología y cómo cuidar de ella, cómo alimentarla de una nueva forma y cómo cultivar de una manera nueva, eficiente y natural.
Los cambios en los gobiernos y en la política también hacen parte del proceso. Es fácil caeren el miedo y la preocupación por no saber que pasará con el mundo, pero este grupo de ángeles y humanos sabe que se sólo se trata de la evolución. Ellos saben que el cambio puede aparecer como caótico pero la ley natural de la evolución y la expansión está actuando aquí y ahora y ustedes están participando.
Se trata de decirle adiós al mundo tal como lo han conocido, aún en términos de finanzas, prosperidad y de riqueza. Por muchos años en la Tierra, la riqueza, el poder y el dinero estuvieron enfocados en sólo algunos lugares, manejados por sólo algunas personas en pocos países. En la nueva conciencia este desequilibrio no podrá mantenerse; así que la riqueza y aún el equilibrio de lo que llaman poder será redistribuido. Esto no significa que recibirán menos, simplemente significa que los que estaban atrás se pondrán al día.
El mundo no se está destruyendo, el mundo está evolucionando, el mundo se está redistribuyendo. El mundo se está volviendo más equilibrado y equitativo. En el proceso del despertar la vida puede aparecer oscura y confusa, puede parecer maléfica. Estamos aquí para decirles que sólo se trata de la evolución. El mundo seguirá existiendo, la Nueva Energía llegará. Nuevas comprensiones de la ciencia y la matemática, la tecnología y la educación, las finanzas y la medicina están apareciendo en este momento.
El proceso del despertar puede ser solitario pues se trata de volver a descubrir quiénes son sin que otros tengan que decírselo, sin que los sistemas de creencias de otras personas vengan a definir y crear su vida. Sabemos que han estado pasando por una parte de su vida muy oscura, solitaria y a veces triste, que se han sentido perdidos y confusos como si nadie pudiera escucharles.
Pero estos seres angélicos y estos seres humanos queremos decirles que los hemos escuchado. Sabemos por lo que han pasado y queremos que sepan que nunca están solos.Su proceso de despertar continuará desarrollándose y en la medida en que lo hacen podrán ver su belleza. Podrán ver que como seres divinos que son ustedes lo planearon para sí mismos.Verán como el miedo parte y las ilusiones de la dualidad desaparecen para ser reemplazadas porel conocimiento de una nueva verdad. Les traemos hoy este mensaje de los ángeles y de todos los que están pasando a través delproceso del despertar:
Ustedes no están solos. Y así es.

Traducción: Hilda DíazEdición: Adriana Cuervo

Publicado por Fibonacci en 8:12 0 comentarios
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Datos personales

giacomo fibonacci
Giacomo Fibonacci, B.S in Chemistry, A.A.S in Electronics, Cosmologist, Mathematician, English-Italian-Spanish interpreter, Shaumbra Org., New Cosmogony Teacher, Yo-Ham artist and Scientologist. contact: giacomofibonacci@yahoo.com Ver todo mi perfil

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